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La comunidad


I know I just put up a new post a couple of days ago...but I am just overflowing with love right now, and I can't not share this. A lot of what we talk about in the YAV Program is community. There's this overarching idea that although you're starting a new journey, you're not starting it by yourself. There's a whole load of people standing behind you and supporting you all along the way. I know that I'll be part of a new community wherever I serve in Colombia, living and loving in fellowship with new friends, in a new part of the world for me. But as I visited my home church today (shout-out to New Kirk Presbyterian Church & NKPY!!), I was so moved by the community that I have here. I was able to share with my church family about the YAV program, my upcoming year, and why all of this means so much to me. The response from my congregation was overwhelming to say the least! I don't really think I have the words to eloquently express my gratitude for their encouragement. I feel blessed to have such a supportive group of people sending me on my way. It's a pretty powerful thing to see God affirm a call for your life through the people you love. These are the kinds of people that are hard to leave, even if just for a year.

As the worship service closed today, we sang Matt Redman's song "Blessed Be Your Name" together. This was meaningful for me for a few reasons. One reason is that as a congregation, we have sung this song many times; this song reminds me of my home and the church that I've grown up in. But today this song became even more special to me, as my church challenged me to keep its message close to my heart during my year away from home. This is going to be a year that will stretch me, challenge me, and shape me in ways that I can't forsee. I am confident it will be a year of wonderful experiences, but I am sure that it will also have some hard moments and difficult times as well. As with any other year, there will be bumps in the road. But, as my congregation has lovingly reminded me today, through all of the ups and downs, I can bless the Lord.


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