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One month to the day

Hello loved ones,

What a summer it's been! I seem to have (naively) imagined that summer would last forever and that I would have plenty of time to see all of my family and friends before I jet off to Colombia. In reality, I don't think there could ever be enough time! That being said, I have been grateful this summer for the special moments that I have shared with those I care about. I'm quickly learning that perspective is everything: I may feel like I'm running out of time to see everyone, but surely God is providing me with all the quality time I need before the YAV-ing begins.

Let me fill you in on what I've been doing the past month or so (besides visiting fam). For almost all of the summer season, I have been dog-sitting for my older brother. It may not sound like an exciting summer, but it sure has had its fun moments! Here's a picture of the little rascal (his name is Luther):

Besides hanging out with this cuddly and hyper creature, I have been taking a knitting class, making a master packing list for my trip (which is still in the works. Somehow I keep finding more items to add to the list...), blasting The Killers way too loudly from my car stereo, generally having a fun time hanging out with friends, and talking to my Presbytery and church families about my YAV year.

While I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off, taking care of last minute preparations for my trip, I continue to be encouraged by the responses I have received from my Presbytery, churches, and friends and family. I want to thank you all for your affirmation and support. It means the world to me, especially as I continue to work to get everything ready for the upcoming year.

It seems a little unreal that in exactly one month, I will be on a plane to Colombia! I couldn't be more excited to start this journey, and to share it with you all!!


P.S. Here's a video of my brother and Luther that I felt was worth sharing. This is a pretty hilarious/accurate representation of how overwhelming preparing for a YAV year can feel at times. As my brother says, "I can't deal with this right now!"

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