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In the beginning application

Pictured: Myself with some of the wonderful people I have already met through YAV.


"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

We have all heard some variant of Lao Tze's wise adage during our lives. This "single step" in my YAV journey took place in January, when I submitted my application to the YAV program. Of course, if you are interested in a program, the first thing you should logically do is apply for it. "What's so special about that?" you may ask. For me, this was the sweet moment that the possibility of my YAV year became real. It was the spring semester of my senior year of college. Amidst all of the chaos of tests, studying, and extra-curricular activities, I had a moment of clarity. I had done a lot of research about the Young Adult Volunteers program, I had weighed my options, and I had prayed (a lot). It didn't take much soul searching for me to realize that YAV was something I wanted to be a part of.

Fast-forward to today and I am even closer to the beginning of my YAV journey (which starts in approximately 88 days, in case you were wondering). What I didn't expect was the feeling that I have now, which is that, in some ways, my year has already started. In the last few months, I interviewed for multiple YAV sites. I practiced mutual discernment. I received and accepted my YAV placement (which I could not be more thrilled about). I graduated from college. In all of these moments, I have had a community of people surrounding me and supporting me. And in all of these moments of change, new connections were being formed. I met new people, but most importantly, I met new friends.

This is such a huge part of what I am excited about for my YAV year. I'm looking forward not only to meeting people at orientation and in Colombia, but to making new friends. To creating lasting, meaningful relationships with the people I meet. To partaking in Christian fellowship with others in a new community. To getting involved, truly involved, in a local church. To experiencing the love of God and to sharing it, in a place that is entirely new to me.

As I start this journey, I ask you to join me in this process. I invite you take part in this community that is being formed. Let's talk together, pray together, and learn together. Through this blog, I will be sharing some of my experiences during my year in Colombia. I hope you come along for the ride. I'd love to have your company.

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